School Activities

Assalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb

Good morning students.

How are you today? I hope you are always healthy and happy. Today on Thursday, 25th of March 2021 we will learn about “School Activities”. Apa ya artinya? Ya, school activities dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah kegiatan-kegiatan disekolah. Jadi kita akan belajar, kegiatan apa saja yang biasanya dilakukan selama belajar di sekolah.

We spend lot of our time in the school. So, very many activities that we do in the school. Sport, ceremony, study, etc.

What kind of activities do you like in the school? Kegiatan apa yang kalian sukai di sekolah?

A. Vocabulary (kosakata). Read and memorize please! (Tolong baca dan hafalkan! )

1. Study : belajar

2. Homework: pekerjaan rumah

3. Practice computer : praktek komputer

4. Ceremony : upacara

5. Sport : olahraga

6. Lesson : pelajaran

7. Diligent : rajin

8. Repeat : mengulang

9. Read : membaca

10. Write : menulis

B. Exercise (Tugas).

Fill in the blanks with the words bellow! (Isilah titik-titik dengan kata-kata di bawah ini!)

bus, have, study, has, an english teacher, everyday.

1. …., Dany go to school at 06.30.

2. Dany go to school by….

3. Dina… Mathematics on Monday.

4. Dina… English test on Thursday.

5. Mr. Tono is… at SDN Banjar 02.

Catatan dan tugas silahkan di tulis di buku bahasa Inggris ya. Jika ada pertanyaan boleh japri Mrs Tari or Mrs Tyty.

Thanks for your attention and sory for the mistakes.

Wassalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb.

Good luck… See you next time.